I have had a tag, which came off of an article of clothing (probably from one of my girlies), that's been sitting on my desk for weeks...maybe months as I am a terrible tracker of time these days! It's been there for so long that I forgot why I was saving it! =/ I prefer a clutter-free environment, but have accumulated a few piles in the office during this season of life that I know (must) have purpose. This little piece of card stock, however, had no apparent need to be taking up space and was about to find a new home in the little wire can beside my desk...I am no collector of tiny scraps!...unless of course these tiny scraps have words on them...and they usually do...as I am in the habit of writing scriptures or creative ideas on whatever may be handy in the moment of my
Divine Inspiration! :)
This fact about my self fluttered through my mind, as the tiny card stock scrap almost fluttered down into trash, so I stopped myself to look for the tell tale signs of my chicken scratch on the back of the tag...expecting some previously ordained word of wisdom or spark of a vision. I was met instead with a clearance tag...indicating that I had scored a deal...a huge deal...this was not a random tag from one of my teenagers purchases...no this was a trophy of sorts...attesting to my incredibly frugal shopping prowess!
This, my dear friends, was tangible evidence that I had spent my birthday money well, (birthday money that I received and spent last October...which means that this little scrap has been on my desk for months...but why clutter a perfectly good story with the reality of my housecleaning hiatus in this room), scoring a $30 top for a mere $9.
This information was thrilling and yet disturbing at the same time. Have I, during the course of challenging situations over the past couple of years, developed a need to leave reminders to myself of mini-victories like this...to pat myself on the back...to say that I have skills that go beyond the mundane &/or medical caregiver responsibilities that I vacillate between??? Scary!
As I contemplated the pros & cons of delving into self-psychoanalysis (a scary thought...'going where no man has dared to go before') I realized that there was a little flap on this clothing tag...a flap when lifted, revealed something of purpose! No, I am not a collector of useless pieces of paper...No, I am not a needy housewife storing up proof of shopping brilliance to make me feel better about my self (phew!). I am...wait for it...a
collector of words!
The words this little flap of card stock revealed were,
"Life is Beautiful ~ Dress Accordingly"
Love it! What a great reminder of
Truth...truth that is not dependant on the current weather condition, financial situation, health circumstance or relationship factor. Regardless of what life may look like or feel like, life indeed
is beautiful!
Life is a Beautiful gift from God. He has given us life....saved us through the gift of His Son...comforts us with His Spirit...provides wisdom when we ask....promised to never leave us or forsake us...blesses us with His Amazing Grace...hears us when we cry....and gives us the peace that passes all understanding!
So, I ask, if body size or budget were not an issue how would you dress for this
Life is Beautiful mentality?...
Would it be something fancy & floral like this?
Or something short & sassy like this?
Or would you concentrate more on the footwear?
Where jeans are my fickle friends, shoes on the other hand never let me down! :)
Or maybe what we should clothe ourselves in is something not found in our favorite department store or boutique.
Maybe, just maybe the most appropriate way to dress in response to this Beautiful Life the Lord has provided us with has nothing to do with current fashion or our jean size...
Maybe what we should 'put on' to reflect this Beautiful Life is found in Isaiah 61:3...a garment of praise!
Despite the circumstance or situation we may find our self in Life is indeed still Beautiful!...because of the Lord's great love for us...because of His forgiveness and faithfulness...because He remains on the Throne and holds our life in the palm of His mighty hand!
So won't you join me in getting all gussied up in that Garment of Praise and maybe even accessorizing it with a 'thank You Jesus' and giving the Lord the Praise that He is due? If we choose this attire I guarantee we will be the best dressed women in town!
Join me Friday for Food 4 Thot...and next week for Part 2 of Life is Beautifully Messy.
Serving Him and you,