Last Thursday was quite the day for me. On my agenda - the monthly meeting of ApronStrings Home Edition. On God's agenda - a little pre-ministry, ministry.
My girls and I were running a quick errand between the last school bell of the day and last minute prep for my women's group. We were on our way home, driving the posted 55 mph while I rattled off the impending to-do list and tried to motivate the troops. Something quickly caught my eye in the lane of on coming traffic...a boy and his bicycle!
Both lay in a twisted mass on the asphalt. Cars were pulling over and people were getting out. I felt compelled to do the same. It must have been God's leading. My mind said, "...but the girls are in the don't know what you'll find when you get to won't know what to do..." Even as my mind whizzed away, I found myself succinctly pulling my car safely to the shoulder, calmly calling 911 and crossing the street.
Of the others that had stopped some directed traffic, thankfully one announced that he was an off duty EMT. All I could think was, "I am just a mom". I began to pray as the off duty professional but the boys helmet and backpack off and began to access his injuries. At some point the boy regained consciousness and began to struggle out of fright and shock. I was called upon to stabilize his head and neck, trying to find a place to position my hands that wouldn't cause more trauma to the obvious injuries.
When emergency response arrived, the off duty EMT and I were replaced by uniform clad professionals. I was now face to face with a boy the same age as my youngest daughter. In panic and shock, he was questioning everything that was being done to help him. On my knees I told him that I was a mom, and that I knew that his mom would want him to relax and let the men help him. He did. I stayed with him until the ambulance doors closed.
I got back in my car, helped my girls process what they had witnessed and returned home. Then I began to shake at the trauma I had seen. As I replayed everything that happened and things that I did that I didn't think I had the stomach for, I remembered the thought I'd had when I first reached the boy..."I am just a mom" and I saw God's hand all over that situation.
God had protected that boy from being hit by a vehicle going 55 mph as he lay in the middle of the road, (his accident was caused by his bike hitting something on the shoulder of the road). God provided people to direct traffic and an off duty EMT to drive by at just the right time. And then I felt God whisper that He had provided me - just a mom - for a boy who needed just that kind of comfort.
I'm not patting myself on the back. Almost everything in me was scared and ill equipped for the situation. Everything in me but the Holy Spirit, who led me and guided me through it all.
As I processed this I wondered how many other situations God has called me to over the years, (none as obviously critical and immediate as this), that I missed responding to because I was either in route to something else or because I was scared or felt unqualified. God not only supernaturally empowered me to minister to the practical and emotional needs of this boy, He also made sure that ApronStrings Home Edition took place as well.
What I was able to do for this 13 year old boy seems small in comparison to what I learned about the blessing of obedience and the faithfulness of my Father.
"Lord Jesus, help me to see those that are hurting in my path today. Give me the courage and wisdom to be your hands and feet."
Thank you for the humble reminder that we are never "just _____" (a mom/writer/EMT, etc.) God uses everyone!
ReplyDeleteI'm for one glad you are not "just" a mom or any other title! What a mighty blessing you are and I'm sure the mom of that boy thanks you for being "just" in time.