Tuesday, August 23, 2011

Technical Difficulties

Well this blogging business hasn't exactly gotten off to the rip-roaring start that I'd imagined in my head...and that's not just because I tend to have a vivid imagination...or the fact that I'm gearing up to move the Joyster into her college dorm, send Lopey off to her sophomore year of High School, or celebrate Mercedes Man's birthday all in the matter of a couple of days.

Nope, it's due to technical difficulties...or maybe operator error, ( sshh - I'm not admitting that to my tech savvy family though!).  Valid enough is the fact that I have had a few minor, yet extremely annoying issues with my lap top and Internet service, (the Man fixed that yesterday...gosh, even sleep deprived and full of a host of medication he makes this stuff look easy)...but that doesn't explain some of the blogging issues I'm having at all! =[

I have noticed, since returning to blog world several weeks ago as a reader, that I haven't been able to post a comment to any of the blogs I follow...argh...this was a skill that I previously pulled off without much effort.  Then I discovered, much to my frustration, that I can't seem to comment on the comments that others are leaving on my blog (which makes me look just plain rude to those thousands of readers who comment - oops there goes that vivid imagination again!)...along with a few other issues that I can't seem to figure out for the life of me!

So, as soon as my 1st Born comes out for air, (she's purging and organizing every square inch of her room here at home while prepping to move out), I'm going to ask her to take a look at things.  The Joyster was the one who, after my almost 2 year off and on failed attempts to make my blog site multi paged, accomplished that task in under 15 minutes with never having looked at a blog site before...so I have great hopes.  She often, along with her younger sister, looks at me and shakes her head, (while they both stifle snickers and hoots), and asks why, when I appear rather bright in some areas, I can't figure out technical stuff worth beans.

I don't take offense to questions like that...I simply point out the fact that they were blessed enough to have computers in their Kindergarten classrooms while I, on the other hand, was limited to flannel boards! 

Anybody reading blogs remember flannel boards...anybody...anybody!?!  Just remember, if you leave a comment answering that, I can't respond...yet...where is that college bound girl anyway?

Serving Him and you,


  1. Ah, flannel boards! Love me some good upside-down Moses next to a burning bush cuddling up next to the 10 Commandments. Very 1 dimensional, but so visual!
    Don't worry, friend, you'll get it. If you can keep up with MM and all his medical fun, you can do this, too!

  2. I did it! In less than a mere 15 minutes... what would you do without me Mother??? ;)
