I have 'thought' many posts during my absence...some have been stellar (when you make them up in your head you can think that without being challenged by reality...haha)...others haven't been 'worth the paper they were written on' (sad but true).
Anyway, after a six month hiatus, I thought I'd give it a try again...not guaranteeing anything stellar...hoping for nothing lame...appreciating the fact that you are giving of your time to read this.
For the first attempt I thought I would start with a couple of my favorite things...Quotes and Aprons. And it just so happens that I have one that goes with the other.
"Life Get's Messy, So Wear Your Apron"
It is a true statement...and a great excuse to buy an apron if you don't have one (shudder the thought)!
I don't know about you, but things do get messy when I cook. I am a 'clean as you go' kind of girl - putting utensils and bowls and such in the sink as soon as I'm done with them, and spices and ingredients back in place...but splatters happen and I tend to wipe my hands down the front of me when busy...so aprons are my friends.
Look at this vintage pattern for aprons...and check out the price!
How about this one?...so cute...and a dime cheaper!
Life doesn't just get messy for me in my kitchen...unfortunately. Life in a fallen world provides it's own forms of splatters and often leaves me wiping my hands...you too? Some times the messes are of my own making...sometimes they are a result of other 'cooks' in my kitchen. Messes can happen accidentally or seemingly 'on purpose'. What ever the nature and whom-ever the culprit, I often find myself in need of a Life Apron.
Hmm...what would a Life Apron look like? Certainly not as cute as these retro classics...nope...it would have to be sensible and practical...big-BIG-think full coverage...stain resistant...protective...and while we are at it how about flame retardant (you just never know what some days might serve up).
Wouldn't it be nice girls if we could simply pop something like this creation of my imagination on when the heat in the test kitchen of life gets too hot?
Well we kind of can. Did you know that aprons are a Biblical thing? They absolutely are...especially if you go old school and read the King James Version...you will actually find the word 'apron' in there on a couple of occasions.
The fist apron sighting in Scripture is found in the first book of the Bible. When Adam and Eve realized that they were naked, (no time and space to go into this now, but this has more spiritual than physical meaning), they attempted to fix the result of their own messy choice by making for them selves 'aprons of fig leaves'. These didn't help much...and they didn't fool God...but in His Grace and Mercy He offered up the first sacrifice to cloth them with animal skins.
This was a foreshadowing of the Ultimate Sacrifice to come. From before time the Father had Jesus in mind for us. When we embrace all that Jesus did for us not only do we have a 'fire retardant' apron of sorts, but the ability to clothe ourselves in Christ as the New Testament speaks of, which protects us from the messiness of life.
Oh, the messes still come in life...just like they do in my kitchen...but this Divine Apron (I mean no disrespect I am simply trying to illustrate) protects us from the devastation that can accompany the mess. Jesus wraps us in His Love, Faithfulness, Peace and even provides us with Joy and Hope...all we have to do is focus our attention on HIM.
I have been through seasons of major messy in the test kitchen of my life and I have found the truths of Jesus and His Love to be fleshed out in my life. If the Bible can be equated to a recipe book for this illustration, then the Faithfulness of Jesus comes out perfect every time.
Thanks for spending this little time with me!
Serving Him and you,
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