Tuesday, January 1, 2013

A Verse to Chew On...for the New Year!

Each week I try to give us a little bite of Scripture...a little Taste so that we can See that the Lord is Good...a little something for us to Chew On ~mull over, memorize, apply~ to our day and week.

Today I'm going to give you a Verse to Chew On for this week that can be your theme verse for this New Year if you'd like!

As the end of one year and the beginning of another approaches I like to carve out some quiet time with the Lord and be deliberate about asking Him for a word for the New Year.

By word I mean literally 'a word' and also a bit of 'His Word' for me to hold on to.  This year I had two words (jackpot!) begin to roll over and over again in my heart...& then they seemed to pop up everywhere!  I heard them on the radio, saw them in magazines, and caught glimpses of them even in department stores.  My words for this year are Glory & Grace!  I am so excited about studying those out over the next twelve months...asking Jesus why He laid them on my heart...being surprised by new definitions and revelations of familiar parts of my vocabulary. 

You just might be thinking I'm on a bunny trail with my 'words'...I'm not.  Those two words are also in the slice of His Word that God served up for me for 2013...our Verse To Chew On...

"For the LORD God is a sun and shield; The LORD gives grace and glory.  No good thing does He withhold from those who walk uprightly." Psalm 84:11 KJV
As you Chew on this Verse here are a few things to think on...little bits and pieces from my Study Bible Notes, Commentaries and Bible Dictionaries.
Sun = God gives the Light of life, He Enlightens us, Enlivens, Directs & Guides us.  He Warms us.
Shield = God is our Protector...providing Protection and Security.
Grace = God's Favor & Fruit in our lives, Kindness & Beauty, that which is Pleasant & Precious. It's the Goodwill of God towards us...and His Good Work in us.
Glory = Honor given to us by God as His Adopted Children and the Recipients of His Inheritance...it is weighty (in a good sense...we don't want to loose this in the New Year) and His Splendor Revealed To us and Through us.
No Good Thing does He Withhold = this is a Comprehensive Promise of Infinite Wisdom.  God will withhold what He sees as not good for us but will grant the good in His perfect timing for those who prefer Him and His Worship to everything that the earth/world system can produce.
To Those Who Walk Uprightly = that is Those whose Faith is Genuine - living a Life that Aims at doing God's Will.  Living in His Light, the Faithful enjoy Good Things only to the degree in which they express the Life of the Upright.
So ask yourself the questions I'll be asking myself this week and through out the year...How does it make me feel to know the God who is all that a sun & shield represents?  How does it feel to be blessed by all that is His Grace & Glory?  What is my response to that?  A desire to walk uprightly...to ask Jesus to show me how to do that...to empower me to walk more like Him in this New Year that He's blessed me with!
Please let me know here or on the Facebook link if this verse resonates with you...and if you got your own word(s) from HIM and/or a serving of His Word for 2013...I would love to hear what He's saying to you!
Happy New Year!

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