Michelle is a gifted speaker, whose love for God and His Word, coupled with her sense of humor and challenging and creative messages, inspire women to grow in their relationship with the Lord.
Originally from southern California, Michelle and her two great daughters, now make a suburb of Boise Idaho their home.
If you are interested in having Michelle speak at your next event, see the Contact page. You can choose a message from the Topic page or work with Michelle on a 'home cooked message' for your group!

When I see an apron I see a symbol for women! Just like the kitchen is the heart of the home, women are the heart of the family...whether that family is a couple of newlyweds or empty-nesters, a single working mom or a stay-at-homer knee deep in Cheerios or a young 20 something just getting started on her own. The apron is the universal symbol for women that crosses the barriers of time, culture and socio-economic status. Women's Libbers have been quoted as seeing the apron as a 'uniform of oppresion'. I see it as a 'super-hero cape' of sorts...we just tie it on the other way to protect our secret identities! =]
ApronStrings Ministries celebrates and purposes to nurture women in whatever stage of life they may find themselves in.
Jesus told us in Matthew 33:37-39 that the greatest commandment is to, "Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul, and with all your mind". This is not only the greatest commandment but our highest purpose and most exciting adventure! Jesus went on to say that the second commandment is to "love your neighbor as yourself". At times this is easier said than done...I'm just saying...if we don't take the time to love ourselves as God does then our 'neighbor' gets the short end of the stick! =]
Anyhow...this above verse is the foundation for this ministry and is were I draw the three point mission statement from. In ApronStrings Ministries we seek to...
~Provided an atmosphere and tools to help women fall passionately in
love with God and His Word.
~Help gals discover how much they are loved by the Lord and who He
created them to be
~Encourage women to connect with and reach out and serve others.

In addition, the ApronStrings Home Edition book is coming soon! If you have ever desired to start your own Bible Study~Fellowship Group but didn't know where to get started, this 'recipe book' has all the ingredients you will need to have a successful home or church group!
Serving Him and You,