Monday, April 30, 2012

A Verse to Chew On

Good Monday morning to you!

Today I will keep our Verse to Chew On post short and sweet. :)

No eye has seen,
No ear has heard, and
No mind has imagined
what God has prepared
for those who love Him.
I Corinthians 2:9 NLT

The passage of scripture that contains this verse is subtitled, in my ESV Bible, as Wisdom from the Spirit.

The wisdom spoken of here is an understanding of the significance of Christ's death...the message of the cross.  Who can really make sense of Jesus' substitution apart from the revelation of the Holy Spirit?!

The message of the cross goes beyond a change of ultimate destination for us and includes the work of salvation in the here and now as well!

If you are a Jesus follower the message goes like this...God created me...He paid the price for my sins through Jesus...I will live with Him addition - He has plans and purposes for me now that I can't see, hear or imagine!

Seeing, Hearing and Imagining are senses associated with our physical bodies and minds...these two facets of our being are completely limited by our human-ness.

This verse says that this God prepared stuff is for those who love Him.  Love is an action word!  It consists of, but is not limited to, seeking God through prayer and the Word, obeying Him and desiring to please Him about all else!

When we take action like God in these ways...our spirit man which was recreated when we accepted Christ as Savior - sealed with and filled by the Holy Spirit, will receive wisdom that will guide us, lead us, mold us, reveal to us, empower us, provide for us to live out what God has prepared and provided for us through salvation this side of heaven!

That is something that I don't want to miss!  Often times my mind and my body are much more engaged than my spirit...and I believe this limits my ability to really hear from God and experience all that He has prepared for me.  I don't want to live with the regret of missing all that Jesus has afforded me.

So for a while I am 'fasting' some things that my body demands at times and some things that often occupy my soul (mind) in order to create more time and space for the Lord to speak to me and a deeper-sharper sense of my spirit who is in fellowship with the Holy Spirit so that I can hear from and be led by HIM!

As you chew on this verse during the week won't you ask the Lord 1) to reveal to you what He has prepared for you...2) if there is any 'fasting' that you need to do to be more sensitive to the voice of His Spirit?

Serving Him and you,

Wednesday, April 25, 2012

A Few of My Favorite Things!

Coming home after 5 days on the road with 2 bus loads of teenagers on Choir Tour I realized that there were a few creature comforts I missed while having the time of my life...

My electric toothbrush...

Coffee out of a real cup...

My favorite magazine...

Being able to grab a glass of water whenever I want one...

Being able to very own facilities (I really don't like public restrooms & I made a promise to myself not to use the little room at the back of the bus - and I kept it)...

My own bed...This is not my bed (can't imagine my husband sleeping here) but isn't it cute!?!

Time and space to be quite before the Lord!...doesn't this look like the perfect spot?

Of course I missed my husband and oldest daughter like crazy!!! 

And my walking partner, Miss Charity Goodheart...look at that face! (Yes this is my dog...and messy house in the background)

But I was surprised at how I missed a few things that I mostly take for granted

How about you...

What are some of your favorite comforts that you miss when away from home?

Serving Him and you,

Wednesday, April 18, 2012

Leaving On a Tour Bus...

Unlike the popular song of 1966 I am not "leaving on a jet plane, don't know when I'll be back again"...

Nope...I'm leaving on a tour bus and I will be back late Sunday evening...

I get to go on the Rocky Mountain High School Varsity Choir Tour with my 16 year old daughter through Oregon and Washington!! :)

Random Thought:  Leaving on a Jet Plane was written by John Denver...who also wrote Rocky Mountain High (I hear this song in my head whenever I hear the name of my daughter's high school)...anybody old enough to remember John Denver?  I was just a baby when the Jet Plane song came out but I was a pre-teen when the anthem about Colorado was popular and my best friend from elementary school thought he was IT!  In fact I think this was the picture that she had on her closet door...I know, I know...but it was the '70's girls...look, he even signed it 'Peace, John Denver'...Enough of that...back to the story...

This is the first choir tour I will chaperon for Emily, (I was able to join my older daughter Jessica on two of the three trips she took), and I am looking forward to making some great memories with her and her choir co-horts.

Since I will be knee deep in high schooler's and maybe some rain puddles in Seattle, I will be taking a break from the blog until sometime next week...

I know that I'm being a bit vague about my return here...I'm thinking I might come home with a 'hang-over' of many teenagers - so little sleep...but I will have some fun things up my sleeve when I return.

Like a guest post (including a much coveted recipe) from a dear friend and maybe even a give-away.

Looking forward to connecting again soon...

Serving Him and you...[and 2 bus loads of teenagers for the next several days :) ]

Monday, April 16, 2012

A Verse to Chew On

I don't know about you, but I need some encouragement on Monday mornings from the Word!  Monday is laundry day at my house and the beginning of what often proves to be a busy and challenging week.  Thank goodness that even a little Word goes a long way in improving things!

Here is today's Verse to Chew On...

Wise words bring many benefits and hard work brings rewards!
Proverbs 12:14

Thanks Lord, I needed that!

I love that encouragement that comes from the reminder that if I chose my words carefully, whether in communication with my loved ones or in business types of conversations, there will be benefits!

And if I keep up with the hard work (domestic drudgery, exercise, studying, consistency in seeking Him) I will see rewards.

I just realized that applying this biblical reminder to my life is like applying the iron to my takes care of the wrinkles in life  and I end up looking better :)

Not just physically better...but I will reflect Jesus more when my words are chose carefully and I am diligent in whatever 'task' I take on.

I want benefits and rewards like this...but I know me!  There are times when left to myself my tongue can get the better of me...and other times when complacency and lack of motivation can creep in. 

In order for me to display these wise words and hard work on a continuous basis I need HELP.  Thank GOD that He has provided the HELPER for us!

As we chew on the promise of this verse throughout our week, lets ask the Lord to fill us with the Power and Presence of His HOLY SPIRIT to iron out the wrinkles of our character and fill us to be more like Jesus!

Serving Him and you,

Thursday, April 12, 2012

Food 4 Thot

I just have to share something with you...I'm nice like that ;)...that I read in the book I Dare You to Change! by Bil Cornelius (Pastor of Bay Area Fellowship).

Here it is...

This reminds me of a story about a forty-year-old woman who gets hit by a bus, is rushed to the hospital, and dies on the operating table.  She meets God and He tells her, "Don't worry, your not going to die right now.  I still have a purpose for you, and I'm going to give you forty more years".  The next thing you know, she wakes up in the recovery room, thrilled to be alive.  Later she thinks, "If I have forty more years, I want to make sure I look GREAT."  So after she's healed from the bus accident, she immediately talks to a plastic surgeon and signs up for all kinds of work - a nip her, a tuck there.  Soon, she's reworked from head to toe.  After the surgery, she continues her makeover with a dark tan, a new hairstyle, and a whole new wardrobe.  Her makeover complete, she's walking across the street and-bam!-she gets hit by a bus again, but this time she really dies.  Now she's standing before God, angry, and she says, "God, what happened?  You told me I had forty more years!"  And God looks at her and says, "I'm sorry...I didn't recognize you."

This story cracks me up...and sobers me at the same time!

Isn't it human nature to want to look our best...and at times take drastic measures to meet the 'standards'? 

In relation to body image and weight issues sometimes it's so much hard as it can exercise and restrict our diets than it is to do difficult, and yet lasting, internal work!

Bil Cornelius goes on to say in his book, "Real change is an inside job.  It starts with our attitude, our efforts, and our energy.  It takes intention and action on a daily basis"

So here is today's Food 4 Thot - In order to be a better steward of this body that God has given you what change needs to take place on the inside?

*Do you need to see your value beyond your external appearance?...God sees it!
*Do you need to develop self-control? is a fruit of the Spirit!
*Do you need to get past a fear of failure (or success)?...God has not given us a spirit of fear but of power, love and a sound mind!

Ask the Lord to reveal to you if there is internal work to be done in order to reap the benefits of physical health and well being.  Then ask Him to empower you with His Spirit to do the work and gain the tools necessary for real change to take place.

Serving Him and you,

Word Nerd

Hello, my name is Michelle and I am a Word Nerd. 

This is a condition that goes way back...way, way back...when I was a child I thought it was great fun to read the vocabulary lists in my parents Reader's Digest Magazines...I also really enjoyed libraries and bookstores (and I still do)...makes my childhood sound soooo boring!

I find on road trips that I love to read billboards (unless I'm driving through Las Vegas - just saying) and am fascinated by the names of cities we pass.

Around town I like to like to read the signage for little independent restaurants and stores...but I love, LOVE the reader boards for businesses and especially churches!

I thought about doing a post of church reader boards from my city, but never seem to remember my camera when I'm out...and my 'dumb' phone doesn't take good enough photos.

So on a bad weather day several weeks ago I took a trip around the Internet and this is what I came up with...

Really funny given it's said by Grace Baptist Church


Bahaha!  Someone needs to proof these before they are 'published' :)

It's true...not necessarily Biblical...but true and funny!

Don't ever say a good Presbyterian doesn't have a sense of humor!

Clever! :)

These are just a many good signs - so little time...I hope that these bring a smile to your face today! :)

Serving Him and you,

Monday, April 9, 2012

A Verse to Chew On

I hope that this Monday morning finds you on an Easter high...not from a sugar overdose on jelly-beans and chocolate bunnies...but from the Hope and Joy and Peace that comes from a celebration of the Resurrection of Jesus Christ!

Our physical tummies may being feeling the effects of the feasting that accompanied "I'm still full!"..."what were you thinking?!?"...."I may need a detox!"...

But our spiritual tummies can never have too much...we can feast and feast on the Word of God and not have to worry about any negative side effects!  In fact the more we 'eat' the more strong and fit we become...gotta love that !

So here is this week's Verse to Chew On...

May the God of hope fill you with all joy and peace as you trust in Him so that you may overflow with hope by the power of the Holy Spirit.
Romans 15:13

As you chew on this verse...

*Remember God gives hope even in the most hopeless of situations...
*We can be filled with joy and peace when we chose to trust in Him...
*We can actually overflow with hope (that means enough for us and an abundance to bless others) by the power of His Spirit!

Take the time to overlay this verse on your there a specific circumstance that comes to mind that you need the hope, joy and peace that only God can give?  Pray this verse over that situation declaring your trust in the Lord despite how things may look and feel...ask God to fill you with the power of His Holy Spirit...praise Him for the fact that the same Resurrection Power that raised Christ from the dead is still real, alive and active and can bring resurrection to even the most hopeless of situations in your life!

Serving Him and you,

Monday, April 2, 2012

A Verse to Chew On

Yesterday was Palm Sunday...which marks, for me, one of the most significant weeks in the calendar year.  This week is a time that I, as a Jesus girl, can take time to think about...really think about...all that the Lord went through, over 2000 years ago, on my account.

Sure, what Jesus endured on the Cross...and all that went with that (beatings, public humiliation)...was for everyone on the face of this planet...past, present and future...but it was for me...because of me.

I think it's important to take time this week and remember...prayerfully...praise-fully...all that the Lord suffered for MY sins.  It's so easy, in my human nature, to fast forward from Palm Sunday to the joy of Easter Morning...the celebration of the Resurrection and all the blessings afforded to me because of that.  But to truly appreciate the Victory I think contemplation of the Agony is required.

This week I will be making time and space to do just that.  Part of that process will be meditating on this Verse to Chew On...

For God made Christ, Who never sinned, to be the offering for our sin, so that we could be made right with God through Christ.
2 Corinthians 5:21 NLT

As I chew on this I will replace "our" & "we" with "my" & "I"'s so much more personal that way, don't you think?

I will also take the time to reflect on how the truth of this makes me feel...contemplate how it should affect the way that I act.

I will ask the Lord to show me if there is any sin of mine that He died for that I am still holding onto...nursing...toying with.  And if there is something revealed to me (I'm almost postive, sadly, that there will be something), I will purpose to lay it at the foot of the Cross.

I will spend time thanking God for loving me so much, even in my flawed and sinful state, to offer up His very best...His VERY OWN...on my behalf.  I will take time to tell Jesus 'Thank You' for caring enough to withstand every lash of the whip...every mocking word...every rejection and betrayal...every nail...the crown of thorns...the pierced side...for me.  And I believe I will weep tears of sorrow, thanksgiving and  ultimately joy.

Will you join me?

Serving Him and you,