So, if you've been reading my Food 4 Thot posts, you know that I am struggling with some added poundage that I collected like souvenirs while traveling the 'health crisis' road with my husband. I could blame it on the erratic lifestyle that I led for well over year [home---Seattle---home---Seattle], or sleep deprivation or the stress hormone. I'm sure that these all played a factor...but way down deep I think the nasty little word lazy had something to do with it.
My suspicions were confirmed when reading through the book of Titus recently. My home church is doing a series on this book and I was doing my homework for it when the possible reality of this hit home! It was 2 pesky little words in the 12th verse of the 1st chapter that hit me like a punch in my flabby gut...lazy gluttons. Really, really!?! Could I possibly have something in common with Cretans...apparently least it wasn't the reference to liars or evil brutes that bore witness with my spirit though...sheesh!
People that know me may think I'm being overly dramatic...not because I'm known for drama...but rather because I'm known for being too hard on myself. I easily extend grace to others but have a bit of an issue with being as kind to myself...probably because I know me so well...but I am getting better at should have known me in my 20's...well some of you did so can I get an Amen to the fact that I am way better about being self-critical than I was back in the olden days? ;)
In this case I'm not being dramatic or overly self-critical...just exploring with honesty how this lazy glutton moniker could fit me...and maybe other Americans too. I'm not calling names here...just trying to look into some of the pitfalls of our culture that may have something to do with
Since I'm a self professed Word Nerd let's start with a definition of the two words that make up this tag:
Lazy = disliking activity or exertion (Websters)
Glutton = one who eats to excess (Websters)
Well, I have to admit I do see a slight!
As busy as I have been over the past 2+ years in caring for my husband, trying to maintain my home and yard and attempting to keep up with 2 teenage girls I have been a bit lazy about caring for myself [I do dislike sweating] and I have obviously eaten more than this body can burn in a day.
My aversion to getting up at 5 am and heading to my now cold garage to bust my behind until I sweat like a pig [do pigs sweat?] and gag like a cat trying to hack up a fir-ball...and my tendency toward unconscious eating [you know the kind where you know you ate but not sure what or how much because your brain was consumed with other 'you' and 'your' I mean 'me' and 'my' :)]..are not the only ways that lazy glutton may apply to me.
Before I discuss my hunches here, I have a couple of disclaimers...1 - none of the facts I'm going to share are facts based on research by case study groups...they are just hunches - some Food 4 Thot - based on my observations and some information I've come across. 2 - I am not blaming culture or industry for my current condition...I am solely responsible for what I do, or don't do with my own body...I am simply looking to draw attention [my attention...and yours if applicable] to some pitfalls that we may not be conscious of.
First...I have a hunch that the accessibility of Fast Food in our nation has something to do with the super-sized me and American culture. As much as I know about the importance of good nutrition, not only in general but specifically in relation to my husband's health issues, I have been known to hit a drive-thru or call for pizza on occasion when my body or brain are too tired or overloaded to figure out and pull off dinner. This may not qualify as lazy in the true sense of the word...and some might even say that choices like that are understandable from time to time given all that's been on our plate lately...but that easy choice [the one that requires less activity and exertion] does indeed lead to gluttony as even the 'healthier' fast food options lead us to eat to excess in the areas of calorie, fat and sodium intake. In the little research that I did do, I found that obesity in America increased dramatically between 1977 and 1995 as [get this] did the consumption of fast food! During this same time span fast food intake quadrupled....hmm, interesting don't ya think.
My second sedentary life style would land in the lazy column. Again, the fact that I've spent countless hours [days, weeks] in hospital and doc office chairs may be deemed "understandably out of my control" and not lazy by dictionary definition...never-the-less I should have made more of an effort [other than taking the stairs at UWMC] to off-set the change in my activity level. I knew that I was sitting more and doing less but you really don't know how quickly this can change your pant size! By in large our American society has found itself stuck in a similar situation...desk jobs, TV watching, and vehicles instead or our own two feet to transport us through our busy lives. None of these things are lazy in and of themselves...but unless we make a conscious effort to amend our less active lifestyles we will need a larger wardrobe.
Thirdly...and I'll end with this one before this post ends up way too long [too late for that I know ;)]...the term lazy glutton can be applied to ones emotional neglect. It's not always cool or timely to deal with our emotional response to something. American culture is getting a bit better with this in some regards but many of us were raised in the 'buck up and deal with it' era. And Lord knows there are times when a situation requires just that...but there are times when we need to be honest about how something makes us feel and process that instead of just trying to jam it down with a Twinkie or Frito battering ram. Depending on our emotional circumstance a heart to heart with a trusted friend or counselor may be just what we are craving. But there are times when only and heart to heart with the Lord will fill that need...there are times when He is the only One who can understand, counsel and support us. While walking through this medical crisis with Mercedes Man I drew strength from my trust in the Lord...and I experienced incredible peace in the midst of outrageous storms...but I didn't always connect with how I felt in the midst of it and in hindsight, probably did stuff some of my emotions, subconsciously thinking that it wasn't the time or the place to deal with how I felt. Looking back there were times, probably out of sheer exhaustion, when my emotional state was laid bare before the Lord...and you know what - He met me there and made it all better. The circumstance didn't change but my ability to deal with it did. At times I was so afraid of letting know, like if I start crying I may never stop...but the thing I was afraid of [letting down] became the very thing God used to reveal Himself to me in a deeper and more intimate became a catalyst for boosting me back up. I've found that being lazy about dealing with my emotions can lead to gluttony in trying to feed a soul hunger in a physical way. But I've also found this Psalm to fill me up and satisfy like nothing else can...
O God, you are my God, earnestly I seek you; my soul thirsts for you , my body longs for you, in a dry and weary land where there is no water. I have seen you in the sanctuary and beheld your power and your glory. Because your love is better than life, my lips will glorify you. I will praise you as long as I live and in your name I will lift up my hands. My soul will be satisfied as with the richest of foods; with singing lips my mouth will praise you. Psalm 63:1-5 [Italics mine]
Just some Food 4 Thot from me to you. :)
Serving Him and you,
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