Monday, October 17, 2011

A Verse to Chew On

The fog is lifting...the roof is dripping [outside - frost don't ya know]...looks to be another beautiful autumn day in the North-west!

The perfect day to brew a cup of coffee...or tea...or hot chocolate...or spiced cider :) and sit down for a minute between loads of laundry [doesn't everyone do theirs on Monday?] and chew on a portion of Scripture!

I think Laundry Day might be the perfect day for A Verse to Chew On.  The 'chewing' metaphor works great on a plethora of levels but spending time in the Word has some laundry connotations as well.  For me, not only does Scripture feed my spirit, but it irons out the wrinkles of life as well.

So, before the dryer buzzes and another load needs to be flipped, let's get to it...

"Faithful is He who calls you and He will also bring it to pass"
1 Thessalonians 5:24 NASB

This is just a little smidgen of the Word but it covers so much if you think about it.  Paul, in his closing statement in his first letter to the Thessalonians, gives them [and us] such a powerful reminder of a couple of different things.
     1.  God is Faithful!  If we've been a Jesus follower for any amount of time we probably know this one...but today, on this Monday, knee deep in laundry, or Cheerios, or smack dab in the middle of an office cubicle or classroom...with Lord only knows [and He surely does] what this week holds for us [good, bad, beautiful or ugly] do we know down deep in our heart that Faithful is He?  Chew on those three words for a minute..
     2.  He who calls you...think about it...the Creator of the universe calls you!  God calls to humankind universally and corporately but He calls you individually, personally,!  You may be feeling lonely, invisible, overwhelmed, used, frustrated, under appreciated, disposable but the Almighty God sees you...knows you...calls you!  That is a great Monday morning kick-off in my humble opinion!  God calls you to relationship with Him...calls you to living a life that lets Jesus shine through you [see vs. 22,23]...calls you to His plans and purposes.  What is He calling you to today?...
     3.  He will also bring it to pass...that 'thing' God is calling you to - He will get it done!  Seem too good to be true?  Well, it isn't.  If God calls then He equips and He makes sure it happens.  All it requires on our part is cooperation and dependence.  If we carry the stress of the 'thing' and try to flesh it out on our own then we are up the creek so to speak.  We may get the 'thing' done on our own, but we will miss the purpose of the 'thing' all together.  Most 'things' that the Lord calls us to are a catalyst to draw us into deeper relationship with Him.

Well there goes the familiar buzz of the dryer.  As I get ready to move laundry day on into the ironing phase won't you join me in allowing this verse to help iron out the wrinkles of your life?  What 'thing' is God calling you to?...walk out a tough spot in your marriage...keep consistent in parenting through the trying twos or your best work in the office or classroom...wait for His mate for you...step into a ministry opportunity that takes you out of your comfort zone?  Get that 'thing' in the forefront of your over lay it with the facts that God is faithful to you in whatever it is and if you choose to depend on Him He will ultimately get it done through you!  

Does that make you more willing to walk it out?  It does me!  Shoot it even gives me the gumption [old fashioned word to go with the old fashioned picture above :)] to leave the beautiful autumn view out of my office window and head downstairs to the laundry room...and that's sayin' something! 

Coming later this week...Inventory Your Kitchen Cabinet.

Serving Him and you,

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