In this story the Think System was the brain child of Professor Harold Hill, a con-man proficient at swindling people out of money for uniforms and instruments necessary for his boys band, (think the marching kind - not N Sync). When a librarian suspicious of Prof. Hill's sincerity and qualifications, who knows a thing or two about music, questioned him on the method he would employ to teach the young boys how to play their bright shiny new instruments he said he would be using the Think System.
His Think System went something like this; if you think about the musical piece and hum it long enough you'll be able to play it when you pick up the instrument. Totally makes sense! Ya-right...if that were the case I would be doing more than just dusting the piano in our front room - sheesh!
Wouldn't it be nice if the Think System worked in the area of Body Management...you know, like if I think about exercise long enough my abs will look more like a six-pack than a keg and my hiney will go back up to where it used to be. Or if I think long and hard enough, and hum at the same time, my weight will go back down to a much more pleasing number on the scale. Sounds great - doesn't it!?! What an info-mercial seller that would be.
As far fetched as it may sound, I am a firm believer in the Think System when it comes to Body Management. You see I've found that you can purchase the latest and greatest exercise equipment or program and invest money in the soundest of healthy eating plans but if you don't have your head in the game you are going no where fast.
For me (and I don't think I am the exception) more than half the battle of better Body Management is fought in between my ears. You see I have to just plain make my mind up about a few things first before I ever make an attempt to pull them off.
1 - I need to decide that I am good and ready to do something about my current condition...in others words, I need to be sick and tired of being sick and tired.
2 - I need to decide that I really can do this_____(exercise program, eating plan, self discipline thing...because "I can do all things through Him who gives me strength" Philippians 4:13
*Interesting side note - Paul makes the above statement after saying, "I have learned the secret of being content in any and every situation, whether well fed or hungry"...how funny for us! :)
3 - I need to decide that I have a no excuse policy and stick to it...it's so easy to give one's self 'time-off' for a plethora ofgood lame excuses. I'm not talking about living a strict legalistic type of life but taking good care of our bodies needs to be just as important a part of our routine as brushing our teeth....what if we left the house every day making excuses not to take the time for good oral hygiene...grody!
4 - Decide on a plan that you can keep up with for most days over the long haul. This isn't a crash diet or obsessive exercise to get quick results deal. This is a lifestyle change that, when practiced consistently, will put you into the proper weight category for you and will leave you feeling stronger and more energized...ready to fulfill your God given purpose. It's kind of like marriage...to make it work well you need to choose your mate carefully and remember that you have a 3 person covenant; you, him and the Lord. That way on days that you're not really feelin' it with your spouse you have your commitment to the Lord to help you hold on until that season passes. 1Corintians 6:19-20 puts it this way "Do you not know that your body is the temple of the Holy Spirit...you are not your own; you were bought with a price. Therefore honor God with your body". So on those days when I don't feel like getting up at 5:15 to get my exercise in or my taste buds are crying out for something low on nutrition and high on calories my motivator is not my own weak self but the desire to honor the Lord.
OK, that Food 4 Thot is quite a mouthful...so I'll just leave you to think about it. :)
Serving Him and you,
Wouldn't it be nice if the Think System worked in the area of Body Management...you know, like if I think about exercise long enough my abs will look more like a six-pack than a keg and my hiney will go back up to where it used to be. Or if I think long and hard enough, and hum at the same time, my weight will go back down to a much more pleasing number on the scale. Sounds great - doesn't it!?! What an info-mercial seller that would be.
As far fetched as it may sound, I am a firm believer in the Think System when it comes to Body Management. You see I've found that you can purchase the latest and greatest exercise equipment or program and invest money in the soundest of healthy eating plans but if you don't have your head in the game you are going no where fast.
For me (and I don't think I am the exception) more than half the battle of better Body Management is fought in between my ears. You see I have to just plain make my mind up about a few things first before I ever make an attempt to pull them off.
1 - I need to decide that I am good and ready to do something about my current condition...in others words, I need to be sick and tired of being sick and tired.
2 - I need to decide that I really can do this_____(exercise program, eating plan, self discipline thing...because "I can do all things through Him who gives me strength" Philippians 4:13
*Interesting side note - Paul makes the above statement after saying, "I have learned the secret of being content in any and every situation, whether well fed or hungry"...how funny for us! :)
3 - I need to decide that I have a no excuse policy and stick to it...it's so easy to give one's self 'time-off' for a plethora of
4 - Decide on a plan that you can keep up with for most days over the long haul. This isn't a crash diet or obsessive exercise to get quick results deal. This is a lifestyle change that, when practiced consistently, will put you into the proper weight category for you and will leave you feeling stronger and more energized...ready to fulfill your God given purpose. It's kind of like marriage...to make it work well you need to choose your mate carefully and remember that you have a 3 person covenant; you, him and the Lord. That way on days that you're not really feelin' it with your spouse you have your commitment to the Lord to help you hold on until that season passes. 1Corintians 6:19-20 puts it this way "Do you not know that your body is the temple of the Holy Spirit...you are not your own; you were bought with a price. Therefore honor God with your body". So on those days when I don't feel like getting up at 5:15 to get my exercise in or my taste buds are crying out for something low on nutrition and high on calories my motivator is not my own weak self but the desire to honor the Lord.
OK, that Food 4 Thot is quite a mouthful...so I'll just leave you to think about it. :)
Serving Him and you,
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