I love holidays and wouldn't think of not celebrating one as American and reverential as I perceive this one to be, but I had to agree with a couple of things that Mr. 'No-holiday' had to say last week. One of our points of agreement was that holidays should not be the only time that we connect with the family and friends that we love...we need to slow down the busyness of our lives and cherish the relationships that we've been blessed with through out the year. The second point this man made that bore witness with me was that we should make everyday a celebration of the Lord's blessings in our life.
The Pilgrims paused to pray and give thanks to the Father at the end of a very difficult time. This unique group of individuals had stepped out in faith on a grand adventure that was ultimately filled with hard times and sorrow. For many of us, this last year has carried with it some struggles of it's own in our lives.
If we look hard enough, even in the bleakest of times, I believe that we can find the fingerprints of God and many occasions to give thanks for this year. As we prepare our homes for the Thanksgiving holiday tomorrow, let's also prepare our hearts by chewing on this verse...
"Give thanks in all circumstances, for this is God's will for you in Christ Jesus"
1st Thessalonians 5:23
As we chew on this let's keep a couple of things in mind...
~Notice that it doesn't say to give thanks for all circumstances, but rather in all circumstances.
I don't know about you, but I find this refreshing. I am truthfully not thankful for a lot of things that have happened to my family this past year, but I can be thankful in them. I'm sorry my husband has had to suffer through so many medical issues this past year, but I can thank God for His peace, protection, presence and provision every step of the way. I thank Him for all of the friends and family that have come along side of us and walked these difficult steps out with us. I thank Him for the empowerment of His Spirit and the goodness of His Word.
What has happened in your life this past year that you would never have gotten in line for? Can you look past the pain and circumstance and see the Faithfulness of the Father?
~Isn't it interesting that this verse tells us that it's God's will for us to give thanks in everything?
Why do you think that is? Giving thanks keeps my eyes on Jesus and off of myself and my situation. As I look for the good, the blessings, I become more overwhelmed by the Lord's presence and less overwhelmed by my current trail. It is said that God inhabits the praises of His people...giving thanks is a form of praise. While I pause to praise and give thanks I am engaging in fellowship with my Creator. It takes the tradition of Thanksgiving out of ritual and into relationship which is where the Lord delight for us to be.
As we focus on the true meaning of this holiday and savor the good truth of the above scripture I'm sure that our plates will overflow with a feast of God's abundant blessings in our lives...and we won't even have to walk it off afterwards! =] From my heart to yours, Happy Thanksgiving!
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