I'm sure you've heard the phrase, probably even used it a time or two, "Now that left a bad taste in my mouth!".
This is a phrase used to describe an event or situation that can leave one feeling that they've just been dealt a blow that was unfair or experienced a circumstance that could leave them feeling bitter.
What types of occurrences would fall into this category? How about a relational betrayal? Maybe a financial crisis? Would health challenges qualify?
After several months of not blogging you may be wondering why I decided on such a cheery subject for my return. Well, my absence from the blogging world has been due in part to a series of unfortunate events that could indeed be defined as leaving a bad taste in one's mouth.
Starting 9 months ago, my husband has been through one series of health issues after another. Some of these demanded expensive and grueling tests, others landed him in the hospital and flat on his back, the latest has required travel out of state in order to seek treatment from specialists. We've found out that medically speaking, the only hope for a cure for my man is an organ transplant! In the middle of racking up costly medical bills, my husband was laid off from work. At this point, he may be too sick to return. I haven't worked outside of the home, (with the exception of occasional ministry engagements), for almost 17 years...I may not be able to search for a job because my husband needs my care. We have exhausted our savings and retirement...blah, blah, blah. Anyone need an Altoids?
I'm not going to kid you. All the breath mints and chewing gum in this world will not disguise the fact that these situations are awful! But you know what, I am not left with a bitter taste in my mouth.
Some of you might assume that means I'm floating down that river in Egypt...Denial =]. Others of you might try to give me some credit for being a strong woman by nature. I am a stubborn gal, but any ability that I have in and of myself to endure all of the challenges of these last 9 month was exhausted a long time ago.
So, how can I say that these challenges haven't left me with a ginormous case of bad breath? Life has indeed given my family a holiday sized plate of bitter tidbits, but God, (don't you just love those 2 little words - but God?), has shown Himself faithful to us time and time again!
You see, as this blog is titled, I have had the opportunity to Taste and See that the Lord is Good! (Psalm 34:8a).
In the midst of our mess God, by the mercy of Jesus Christ and through the power of the Holy Spirit, has given us the grace needed to endure, the peace that passes all understanding, promises from His Word to cling to and friends and family to encourage, help and pray for us.
Our situation is big, but our God is bigger. We have made the choice to trust in His goodness and faithfulness and love toward us. Putting our focus on Him doesn't just make the challenges of life palatable, (like holding your nose while trying to choke down your least favorite food), but growing in intimacy with Him out of desperation leaves you with a taste in your mouth that is sweeter than you can imagine! As another Bible verse puts it, "He satisfies me as with the richest of foods".
Are you faced with a situation today that could leave you with a bitter taste in your mouth? Seek the Lord and allow Him to fill you with His goodness. You don't have to wait for life to serve you a big plate of 'yuck' to savor the sweetness of the Lord. Even if you are in a great season of life, or are just experiencing calm, you can still be filled to overflowing with His sweet presence if you just seek Him!
Great post.