It's been awhile...that's an understatement!
I haven't blogged, on my keyboard anyway, since the 1st of the year. I've thought many blog entries however, while seated on a plane or in a hospital or doctor's waiting room. That's where I've spent a lot of my time this year.
But, I figure, blogging must be just like riding a bike. There might be big gaps of time between opportunities, but you just hop right back on and do it!
Blogging does require a bit more cerebral creativity and clarity than peddling a two wheeler. I'm not sure I'm up for a spin...something mushy and cloggy has taken up residence recently between my dangly earrings.
Big medical learning curve, lots of technical terms, huge decisions, a myriad of detailed planning...cloggy...mushy...
Even with the 'challenges' that I am facing there is one thing that I know for certain - my God is faithful!!! Just like the appearance of the daffodils in my neighbors gardens, the Lord's beauty shows up in my life over and over again.
Things have been hard and challenging for months and months now...no pretending. But, the Father's hand has been faithful...
His grace - amazing...
His mercy -fresh...
His provision - abundant...
His presence - better than anything!
I don't know where this Spring day finds you...or what kind of Winter that you have had to weather these last several months...
But I do know that the God who has been faithful to me desires to make His faithfulness known to you!
How have you seen His fingerprints on your life?
Oh, yes. His fingerprints are all over my life. And His presence is better than anything!! Anything!