You are probably thinking,"A mom who serves her daughters just one mini-meal a week, and the same kind of thing over and over, is no Martha Stewart or Pioneer Woman!"

Well, if you were thinking that you are right. I am no TV Hostess with the Most-est or Super-Cook-Oklahoma-Ranch-Wife-Blogger. But my girls aren't starving either. The little mini-meal that I serve up for them is a Bible Verse that I print out on a 3x5 card and give to them every Monday...or Tuesday depending on what kind of week I had :/...but never ever on a Wednesday :).
This 3x5 card is a little mini-devotional for them. Along with the Verse (I pray and ask the Lord to provide one tailored to their week) I usually write something for them to Chew On...little thought provokers to help them apply that portion of scripture to their lives.
As important as it is for moms to provide physical nourishment for their kids, it's just as important that they provide something spiritually nutritional as well. My girls are old enough now to own their own relationships with Jesus...and they do. Both start every morning with their own devotional time...they have seen the importance of making sure that they feed themselves regularly. But as a mom I get great joy out of spending time with the Lord asking Him to help me be His waitress, so to speak, serving up that little mini-meal that He prepares for them. It's always fun to see where He leads me in scripture for them...and it's fun to write the cards and send them with a little note (Emily's gets 'sent' to the kitchen counter for her to find in the morning...Jessica's to her PO Box on campus for her to discover on her way to or from the Dex {cafeteria}). It's also fun to hear occasionally that the verse was just what they needed...something to give them hope and/or encouragement.
I have been much more faithful with this old-school version of A Verse To Chew On over the past couple of years than I have been with my blog version devotional. I am hoping to be just as consistent here now as I have with my girls. In order to kick start this weekly post I have combined the two. Our verse here is the same one written on my girls 3x5 cards this week.
"Nothing, you see, is impossible with God!"
Luke 1:37 The Message
Short and to the point this week...and from the Christmas Story - very appropriate don't you think?
As you chew on this verse take the time to look at the thing in your life that seems impossible.
* For Mary the impossible thing was how she, an unmarried virgin, could be the mother of the "Son of the Most High".
* For the college girls I know maybe the impossible is surviving finals this joke!
* For some of us it may be trying to find Joy this Holiday Season in the midst of a family fractured by sickness, divorce or even death.
*Maybe it's not quite that tragic for others of us, but just as impossible as we try to figure out our financial situation or balance our busy schedules to meet the needs of those counting on us.
Whatever your impossible thing might be take courage like Mary did from the truth of the fact that God is bigger than our thing. The Angel Gabriel told Mary...and I believe is speaking directly to us as well...that 'no-thing' or nothing is impossible with God. Take a minute now to let Him know what your impossible situation is...and thank Him, by faith, reminding yourself of His great Faithfulness and Love for you. Your situation may not miraculously change....or it may...but surely your view of your impossible thing will change when viewed through the reality of the Hope we have in the Greatness of our God.
Serving Him and you,
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