Monday, March 9, 2009

2 Certain Things

There are 2 things that are certain in life. No, I'm not talking about death and taxes, although that date in April is just over a month away now!

I'm talking about 2 things that are certain in my life! The first is Laundry Day. Almost every week for the last 16 years, Monday is laundry day. It was just over 16 years ago that I quit my job to be a stay at home mom. I traded in an 'In-basket' that was successfully empty at the end of each day, for a laundry-basket that seemed to continually 'overfloweth'. Back then we were apartment dwellers and after a little research, I discovered that Mondays were the lowest traffic days in the laundry room of my complex. That began the Monday ritual that is only preempted if Christmas falls on that day of the week. This may sound a bit legalistic to you, but I found it a real morale booster to begin my 'work week' with a chore that shows tangible evidence of a job well done. Of course once everyone returns home at the end of the day and changes clothes, it starts all over again. But hey - I just choose to look at this as job security! =]

The second thing that I'm certain of is 'trouble'. My life is peppered with it. Some of it is of my own making, (a running joke between my husband and I for almost 20 years of marriage - every morning he tells me to try and stay out of 'it' when kissing me goodbye =]). Some of it comes for a visit without being invited! Rude, but part of life in a fallen world.

Trouble can present itself in various forms - relational, medical, financial, personal and even national. Trouble can thrust even the pluckiest of us into crisis mode. You know, where you either start spinning, (like my washer is right now), or when you just want to roll up in a ball and hide. I've done both -neither works really well.

I was reminded of something this weekend that the Lord taught me several years ago when I and my family were facing trouble in every area that I mentioned above. (Well, OK, it wasn't a national crisis but it felt like one!) Anyway, the Lord showed me that there are actually 3 responses in a crisis; spin, roll up in a ball, or see it as an opportunity to grow! To grow as a person and in my relationship with Him. This mindset doesn't deny the fear or pain of the situation, it just chooses to focus on Jesus in the midst of it and learn from Him.

The reminder that I got this weekend came from my pastor. In his sermon he explained that the word 'crisis' in Chinese consists of 2 characters. One translates 'trouble' and the other 'opportunity'.

Trouble in this life is as sure as an overflowing laundry basket for me come next Monday morning. The difference between the 2 is that laundry is mundane, where as trouble presents an opportunity for me to change, grow and develop...sounds like an adventure to me!

Jesus said in John 16:33, "I have told you these things, so that in me you may have peace. In this world you will have trouble. But take heart! I have overcome the world."
Now here's a verse to chew on. Jesus confirms it - we will have trouble. But He also tells us that He will give us peace in the midst of it and He reminds us that He is bigger than all of our troubles and fears!

1 comment:

  1. I love the labels: "Jesus, laundry, trouble" -- that just came out funny! With Jesus the laundry will cause no trouble...well, maybe we can get through it with Jesus :)
