So lets get to it...
Blessed be the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, the Father of mercies and the God of all comfort, Who comforts us in all our affliction, so that we may be able to comfort those who are in any affliction, with the comfort which we ourselves are comforted by God.
2 Corinthians 1:3-4 ESV
That verse is a lot to chew on...partially because it's two verses instead of just one...partially because it's so meaty...we could really spend a few days chewing on various aspects of it...but I can hear my grass growing and my dryer buzzing so I'm just going to bite off one little chunk of it today. Of course, it goes without saying...but I'll state the obvious...you can spend as much time with this portion of Scripture as you want and savour all that it has to offer. :)
The part I want to chew on is the one that challenges us to comfort others. I am so thankful for the fact that God, as our Father, comforts us in our afflictions...but I also love the fact that He doesn't just heal us up for our own good but so we can be His healing representative as well...sharing His comfort to others that hurt!
Before we start talking about comforting others I think we should think about how God comforts us...since it's that same comfort we are to offer others. Well, let's see, God comforts me...*through the counsel and encouragement of His Word,*by the presence of His Spirit,*through others who offer a listening ear, practical help and companionship...can you think of other ways?
Some hurt because of the gospel [this is the experience Paul was referring to]...we don't see this happen much in our American culture...at least not to the degree that it does in some countries or in Biblical times...but it still happens. There are missionaries and native believers in various parts of the world that could receive godly comfort from you in their pursuits through your prayers or financial support. If this pricks your heart find a way to help through either your church's missions board or through a para-church missionary organization.
Some are hurting, to a different degree, because of the gospel here locally. Some may not come from a Christian family and endure criticism for their faith...other's may be judged in the workplace...or ostracized on the college campus for being a follower of Jesus. Do you know someone like that? How could you bring comfort to them?
There are other 'afflictions' that we see commonly in our culture...older people who are lonely or in need of help with chores who might be comforted by a visit [with or without a plate of cookies :)] or help with raking their leaves...young singles and college students can suffer from loneliness and being homesick as well and would be greatly comforted by being invited for a Sunday dinner with your family...how about single moms who would find comfort in you volunteering to watch their kids for an afternoon or evening so they could have two minutes to themselves to relax or get something done that needs doing?...what about the person with a scary medical diagnosis that would find comfort in your prayers or presence at at doctor's appointment or a meal delivered to his/her home? What about sending an email or an old-fashioned card to someone 'just because' - there is great comfort that comes from knowing that someone took the time to let you know they care about you. Or send a verse by text or snail-mail or carrier pigeon to someone the Lord lays on your heart.
The list can go on and on...I'm sure that you can think of ways to comfort that I don't have time to mention or wouldn't even think of. I have experienced God direct comfort and godly inspired comfort time and time again through out various 'afflictions'. Sometimes it's been really hard to be on the receiving end...but it has always been a blessing and just what I needed at that time. When people have made the effort to be the hands and feet of Jesus to me it hasn't always changed my circumstance or situation but it has infused me with God's presence and brought me comfort beyond words!
As you and I chew on this verse I'm going to challenge us to follow the leading of the Holy Spirit and follow through with someone He lays on our heart or opens our eyes to before the weekend. I would love to hear how God uses to to 'comfort those who are in any affliction'!
Serving Him and you,
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