Today presents me with various family members in various stages of a stomach virus. So, no time for a Verse to Chew On or any deep thoughts of my own.
I did want to give you a little food for thought today in the form of two of my favorite quotes. I don't know who originally made these profound statements, and I know that I am not quoting them precisely, but I believe the truth of these sayings will still have great effect.
Victory does not come in me overcoming sin, the world or the devil. True lasting victory is only attained when Jesus overcomes me!
And for all you single sisters out there, and mothers of teen aged or young adult daughters...
A woman's heart should be so hidden in Jesus that a man will have to lose himself in Christ to find her.
Praying that we will all be overcome by and hidden in Jesus!
That second one is going to be painted on Abigail's wall :)
ReplyDeleteOh, and i hope everyone feels better soon!